
Taking a picture of a building can be simple. But finding the right and interesting reflection to take a picture of this same building can be challenging. It also provides you the excitement of a hunt. Finding the good support to get the right reflection from, with the right angle or layers. And try to make it interesting.

A photo is the reflection of our memory of places. Picturing reflections creates a distortion of our memory through the various effects. But it also offers the opportunity to see with a wider angle by partially showing, or making guess, what we would normally turn our back to.

What I also discovered through this work, is the perception of the eye capturing the most obvious scene. What we could call the first layer. But, get closer. Observe. Take the time. And in some cases you could discover several layers in one picture. So the Reflection can also lead us to another type of reflection. Not driven by our eyes this time, but by our mind.

But reflections have different ways I also worked on mirror effects providing a pattern and geometry outcomes. And suddenly, buildings or industrial objects can become something else.




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